Thursday, January 8, 2009

Something to Think About

From Is there evidence for that?
Do we need empirical evidence to warrant thinking that telling children that people suffer torment in hell forever is harmful and bad? I don't think so. There are things that we know without evidence. For instance we know that telling people they are stupid or ugly or boring or generally repulsive is bad. We also know that bad news is bad, so we know that it's bad to tell people bad news if it's not true - we know it's bad to tell someone: 'your cat/dog/best friend/mother/child is injured and in terrible pain' if that's not true.

We don't need evidence for that. It's part of how the world is. Imagine telling a child: 'Your cat is caught in a trap, it's crushing her leg in its jaws, she's howling in pain, we can't get her out' when it's not true. There's no way to look at that and think it's good or not too bad or neutral. Even if we knew for a fact that it would do no lasting psychic damage at all (and how would we know that?), it would still be bad. Even temporary mental anguish is bad.

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